VERBS being a rather large and complex category of words, this separate page is just for those verbs of the PRESENT TENSE, as well as being a page that isolates those verbs that a beginning student should have in their vocabulary. They are but part of a larger list – The 100 Most Common Spanish Verbs – that I have included on this page for your observation.
I do not think it necessary to prepare conjugation pages for all of those 100 Spanish verbs; the Starter Verbs I have prepared here will take the student to a place where they can both understand the task of English conjugation and be motivated to pursue many, many more verbs by their own effort.
This list will flesh out a little more than what is presently found below. There are certain, important verbs that I do not feel should be tackled immediately, as they might well confuse the student. For example: the Spanish verb “haber” (essentially meaning “to have”) is an auxiliary verb that carries with it a few different rules of usage than does the more standard “possession” verb “tener”. More will come as I find them.
The worksheets as simple exercises listing the Starter Verbs and asking the student to fill in the blanks on conjugation in both the Present and Preterite Past tenses.